
Associate Collaborative Partners

WHO Regional Office for Europe

The World Health Organisation (WHO) is the authority responsible for public health within the United Nations system. The WHO Regional Office for Europe is one of WHO’s six regional offices around the world. It serves the WHO European Region, which comprises 53 countries by providing leadership on a broad range of public health matters. The organisation has high-level authority and experience in highlighting policy options and developing and supporting the implementation of European-wide action plans and strategies, articulating evidence-based policy options; providing technical support to countries and monitoring and assessing health trends.

The Association For International Sport for All – TAFISA

As the leading international Sport for All association, TAFISA strives to create a better world through Sport for All and physical activity. The world is facing an unprecedented epidemic of physical inactivity, which threatens our future and that of the next generations. With its network of over 300 members from 160 countries from all continents, TAFISA endeavours to empower people, organisations and nations reintroduce physical activity into the everyday life in order to bring joy, health, social interaction, integration and development to communities around the globe, through the promotion of Sport for All. We actively cooperate with other global change-makers, including the UN, the IOC, ICSSPE and others, in our mission to create a better world by 2030.


EuropeActive is the leading not-for-profit organisation representing the whole of the European health and fitness sector in Brussels. The European health & fitness sector serves over 52.4 million consumers, generates 26.7 billion Euro in revenues, employs 650,000 people, and consists of 51,200 facilities. Alongside its significant economic contribution, the sector has a major role to play in making a more active and healthy Europe. EuropeActive aims to co-operate with the European Union and other international organisations to achieve its objective to get “more people, more active, more often”.

European Platform for Sport Innovation – EPSI

EPSI is an organisation working within Europe, which strives for a more innovation-friendly environment for the European Union’s sport industry. EPSI has embraced a cross-sectoral approach, which covers the health, economic, social and cultural dimensions of sport, and it has cooperated with a growing number of partners, including universities, research institutes, clusters, industries and organisations.

International Sport and Culture Association – ISCA

The International Sport and Culture Association (ISCA) is a global platform open to organisations working within the field of sport for all, recreational sports and physical activity. Created in 1995, ISCA is today a global actor closely cooperating with its 231 member organisations, international NGOs, and public and private sector stakeholders. Its members encompass 40 million individual members from 83 countries on five continents which represent a diverse group of people active within sport and physical activities.

ISCA’s mission is to empower organisations world-wide to enable citizens to enjoy their human right to move. We envision a world of physically active citizens in vibrant civil societies.

Institute of Sport Science and Sport – ISS

The Department of Sport Science and Sport (ISS), Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen Nürnberg (FAU) in Germany, is the first World Health Organisation (WHO) Collaborating Centre in Europe to specialise in physical activity and public health. The Collaborating Centre for Physical Activity and Public Health was established under the auspices of WHO’s European Regional Office in Copenhagen (Denmark) to influence policy and public health work through the promotion of physical activity in the European Region.

Staff of the Collaborating Centre have consulted the European Commission and the WHO on issues of physical activity surveillance for many years. PD Dr. Karim Abu-Omar is an advisor to the EUPASMOS project.

Robert Koch Institute – RKI

The main expertise of the RKI is to monitor and evaluate physical activity, sedentary behaviour, dietary behaviour overweight/obesity, tobacco and alcohol consumption on the population level as well as research in the field of health care utilisation, health promotion and prevention. Furthermore, the group had key role in developing the EHIS – Physical Activity Questionnaire (EHIS-PAQ), which aims to provide statistical data supporting the monitoring of health policies on social inclusion and protection, health inequalities and healthy ageing at the EU level.

European Cyclists’ Federation – ECF

The ECF is the European federation of national, regional or local cyclists, focusing on the development of cycling to an accessible and attractive mode of transport for all people. Furthermore, one of the objectives of the ECF is that international and national institutions in Europe recognise the value of cycling and incorporate it in all relevant policies.

Federation of the European Sporting Goods Industry – FESI

FESI is the pre-competitive platform representing the interests of the sporting goods industry in Europe, advancing its members’ priorities and promoting initiatives that benefit the sector, EU citizens and the society as a whole.

Located in the core of the European institutions, FESI is the unique stakeholder that provides sporting goods companies with the possibility to leverage their expertise into one steady and coherent voice in Brussels, allowing them to benefit from the many advantages offered by the EU’s single market of nearly 500 million consumers.

FESI represents some 1 800 sporting goods companies either directly or indirectly, with a total annual turnover of about 81 billion €.

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